Dora cakes, also known as Dorayaki, are a popular Japanese sweet treat consisting of two fluffy pancakes sandwiched together with a sweet filling. These delightful cakes are commonly filled with a variety of fillings, such as sweet red bean paste (anko), custard, chocolate, or even fruit preserves. Dora cakes are often enjoyed as a snack or dessert and are beloved by people of all ages for their soft, pillowy texture and delicious flavours. They are commonly found in Japanese bakeries, supermarkets, and even made at home by enthusiasts around the world.
As a baking enthusiast, I recently had the created a delectable chocolate version of Dora cakes. Inspired by the success of that indulgent creation, I decided to venture into the realm of vanilla and craft an equally tantalizing treat. Together, let’s dive into the art of Japanese-inspired baking and savour the irresistible allure of fluffiest eggless vanilla dora cake – a treat that promises to captivate your taste buds and leave you craving for more.
- Eggless
- Fluffiest pancakes
- Can be enjoyed as normal pancakes too
- No butter
- No oil
Icing sugar is finely ground, which means it can help create a smoother batter with a finer texture. This can contribute to the overall tenderness and lightness of the pancakes, giving them a more delicate and fluffy consistency. Icing sugar dissolves quickly and can help evenly distribute sweetness throughout the batter, resulting in pancakes with a delicate sweetness. I have used Uttam icing sugar for this recipe.
Milk powder adds a rich, creamy flavour to the pancake batter, providing a subtle dairy note that complements the sweetness of the pancakes and filling. This contributes to the overall taste profile of the Dora cake, making them more flavourful and satisfying. It contains proteins and milk solids that help create a tender and moist texture in the pancakes.
The liquid content of the milk helps create a batter with the right consistency, ensuring that the pancakes are neither too dense nor too dry. Milk acts as a binding agent in the pancake batter, helping to bring together the dry and wet ingredients. This ensures that the batter has a smooth and cohesive consistency, allowing it to spread evenly on the cooking surface and cook uniformly. Also, the proteins and sugars in milk contribute to the browning and caramelization of the pancakes as they cook. I use Nestle milk for my recipes.
Flour helps absorb the moisture from other ingredients in the batter, which contributes to the cake’s texture and prevents it from being overly wet. It interacts with leavening agents like baking soda to create gas (usually carbon dioxide) that causes the pancake to rise. Flour is a primary structural ingredient in pancakes. It also produces a tender crumb in the cake.
Baking soda reacts with acidic ingredients in the batter, to produce carbon dioxide gas. This gas forms bubbles in the batter, causing it to expand and rise when exposed to heat during cooking. As a result, the Dora cakes become light and airy, with a soft and fluffy texture. Baking soda also promotes Maillard browning reactions, which occur between amino acids and reducing sugars in the batter when exposed to heat. This leads to the development of golden-brown colour and rich flavour in the Dora cakes, enhancing their visual appeal and taste.
Measuring Cups and Measuring Spoons are the first thing that anybody who in cooking or baking needs. The right quantities will help in the desired outcome so these two things are a must.
You will need a few mixing bowls and whisks to bring the batter and filling together.
You also require a non-stick pan to make the Dora cakes. I used Stahl non stick pan.
- To ensure that your Dora cakes come out easily and clean, use non-stick pans. This will prevent the cakes from sticking and make them easier to remove once they’re cooked.
- Do not grease the nonstick pan. The pancake will still come out smoothly and with even finish.
- You can use low-fat dairy or dairy alternatives like almond milk or oat milk for a healthier cake.
- Mix the pancake batter gently until just combined. Overmixing can result in tough and dense pancakes. It’s okay if there are a few lumps in the batter – they will disappear during cooking.
- After cooking, immediately wrap the warm pancakes in a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap. This will help retain moisture and keep the pancakes soft and pliable.
- 1cup milk
- 1tsp vinegar
- 1+1/4 cup all purpose flour
- ½ tsp baking soda
- ¼ cup milk powder
- ½ cup icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Nutella,for filling
- Add vinegar to the milk and let it sit for 5 mins till it curdles.
- In a bowl, add flour, baking soda, milk powder and icing sugar and give it all a good whisk.
- Make a small well in the centre and add the milk vinegar mixture. Whisk again till a smooth lump-free batter is achieved. It should have a ribbon consistency.
- Now, heat a griddle or pan on low-medium heat. Pour the pancake batter over the hot griddle using a ¼ cup or a scoop to measure out equal portions everytime.
- Cover the pancake with a lid and let it cook for 3-4 mins on low heat. Flip it and cook the other side for another minute or two.
- Spread nutella on the pancake and sandwich it with another. Seal the edges to achieve the perfect look.
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