Don’t we all absolutely hate the tiny black or purplish spots on beautiful strawberries? And wouldn’t we all love to not see them or worry about them while baking delicious strawberry cakes? Most of all, wouldn’t we absolutely adore a decadent strawberry cake in the middle of summer to soothe our senses and our evaporating soul? For these very reasons, I am going to share some tips and ways about how to preserve strawberries, which are one hundred percent fool-proof and absolutely trustworthy.
- You know what they say “one dirty fish spoils the pond”. Think about this idiom whenever you wish to make any of your fruits last longer. Did you know that separating bananas from the mother stem and keeping them separately keeps them perfectly ripe for longer? Similarly, as soon as you get your precious strawberries home, wash them and cut the dark spots out so that one bad strawberry does not spoil the entire batch.
- It does not matter where you’re purchasing your strawberries from- whether it is from a supermarket or your regular market fruit-seller, you need to properly rinse and wash your strawberries. Not only this, you also need to give them enough time in the strainer to air-dry properly or they start rotting faster.
- Your strawberries have been out in the open for far too long and exposing them to a cold temperature all of a sudden is not that bright an idea. Rinse them properly and keep them out in the open resting on a muslin cloth or a normal baking tray.
1. Freezing Strawberries
A major note before you go on about this step to preserve your strawberries is to remember that freezing will not give you a lifetime supply of strawberries. Frozen strawberries are guranteed only good up till six full months and after that, you’re playing with your luck (and the luck of the strawberries, haha). With frozen strawberries, you can create an endless amount of things. First and foremost, shakes and smoothie bowls will get the perfect kick with frozen strawberries. Making strawberry sorbets, jams, and strawberry ice-creams will also seem like an effortless job with this method.
In order to ensure that you’re freezing your strawberries right, follow the mentioned steps:
- Properly and thorougly rinse your strawberries (preferably fresh and ripe ones) and ensure that you are cutting the dark spots out.
- Cut the huge ones and let the little ones remain whole.
- Post rinsing, allow them to rest in a strainer so they’re not wet and have been properly air-dried.
- Place them on a muslin cloth or on a tray and freeze them without covering for 2-3 full hours.
- After exposing them directly to the cold temperature, you can transfer them in a clear ziploc bag, label and date them, and voila- healthy and delicious strawberries for six more months!
2. Making a strawberry compote
Why strawberry compote? Because they make the perfect drizzle for your pancakes, summer cakes such as lemon cakes, for plain muffins, waffles, and what not!
Also, strawberry compotes freeze well and remain for longer!
Follow the following steps to make a delicious strawberry sauce:
- one pound of strawberries (rinsed and sliced)
- ⅓ cup fine sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- in a saucepan, mix the strawberries, sugar, and the lemon juice.
- adjust heat settings to medium flame and keep stirring the mixture.
- the mixture will gradually come to a boil and you will have the perfect strawberry sauce. If you wish, you can pass the compote through a strainer to create a uniform consistency.
3. Making a strawberry jam
Jams are the best way to preserve the freshness and beauty of strawberries. Moreover, I don’t even need to explain how you can go about using jams, right? This strawberry and chia seed jam recipe is not just any jam recipe you’re going to make, it’s healthy and delicious and filled with the goodness of chia seeds!
Follow the recipe to make this amazing strawberry jam!
(makes 2 cups jam)
- 1 cup strawberries- evenly chopped
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice (optional)
- 3-4 tablespoons maple syrup or according to taste
- 2 tablespoons chia seeds
- In a saucepan set over medium heat, cook your strawberries with maple syrup and lemon juice for 10-15 minutes until it starts to break down and becomes juicy. Smash it using a fork while it is still on heat and continue until you reach the desired consistency.
- Stir in chia seeds and cook for another minute.
- Bring it off the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes until it becomes thick.
- If the jam seems a little thin, stir in another tablespoon of chia seeds and let it sit for 10 minutes.
I often make the strawberry compote. Thank you for posting
Thank you Sonali 🙂
Hi, Usually make strawberry jam..will try your freezing method. Thanks.
Is composite and preserve the same?can I use a strawberry preserve in making whipped cream for icing a cake?