Last month, I answered 10 baking related questions that I get asked all the time. Since you guys loved the post, here’s another post answering some more questions that have come in over the last week. If you have any other baking related questions, you can leave them in the comments below and I will get back to you. So let’s answer your baking related FAQs-
Which oven do you use?
I personally use a Borosil Prima, which is a 42 liter oven.
Is it worth investing in a Kitchen Aid?
I absolutely love using my Kitchen Aid mixer as it lets my hands be free and allows me to work on things while the mixer is running. However I think it’s a good investment only if you bake very often.
Which oven rack do you use while baking?
So I always recommend using the middle rack unless its specified otherwise in the recipe.
How does one make their cookies chewier?
I personally love my cookies to have a chewy but crispy texture and hence I always add 1 tablespoon of cornflower in my dough and that’s what does the trick!
When a recipe asks for buttermilk what do you add ?
If your recipe calls for 1 cup of buttermilk, just take 1 cup of milk and add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to it and let it sit on your counter for 5-6 minutes and you will start to see that it will start to curdle. This is the perfect replacement for buttermilk.
What is your preferred way to substitute an egg?
There are multiple ways to substitute an egg for different kinda of recipes and a lot of times there is no substitute. But I have done a blog post here where I spoke about different egg substitutes so you can have a look at that for more in-depth information.
Which mixer do you use?
I use a Kitchen Aid stand mixer as well as a Kitchen Aid hand mixer which is a 7 speed mixer and I love using both of these gadgets.
Why are my cakes dense?
This commonly happens when you end up over mixing your wet and dry ingredients. I know it’s a very tempting thing to go overboard with the mixing but what really happens here is that you end up knocking out all the air in the batter and that is what results in a dense cake.
What oil to use while baking?
Always use a neutral oil. I mostly always use a vegetable oil because it does not
have a strong taste or smell.
Can I increase the amount of orange zest in your orange and
almond cake recipe?
Yes ! The more the better if you like your cakes to have a stronger orange flavor you can definitely add more zest but do not add more orange juice because that will change the texture and consistency of the batter.
If I prepare my cake batter and leave it out for a few hours
will it effect my cake?
It will. So what happens is when you let your batter sit on the counter for toolong the baking powder/ soda starts reacting especially in Delhi or the Indian summer cause we are practically living inside an oven. But if you particularly have to because your oven only takes one layer at a time then I recommend
putting the remaining batter into an airtight container and put it in a cool place.
What is the difference between baking powder and baking
The main difference is that baking soda is actually basic in nature so it needs an acid in the batter to react and activate. I personally would use a baking soda in a recipe which calls for chocolate because it is acidic or citrus such as orange or lemon or even carrots! While on the other hand baking powder is both basic and acidic, hence it reacts in itself and that is why it doesn’t need acid in the
batter. Be careful with the amount of baking soda you use as it might end up giving your dessert a slightly soapy taste.
I hope I have answered all your baking related FAQs. If you have any more doubts, you can ask them in comments below. Now get to baking and don’t forget to share pictures with me on my Instagram by using #BakeWithShivesh.
Hi Shivesh..
I am a recent follower of yours and i am totally loving your insta feed and your blog. I am getting inspired to bake some of your cakes :). I am a beginner to baking, so do you suggest an OTG or should i go for a convection oven?
HI! thank you so much! I would suggest getting an OTG 🙂
can you tell me where can i get baking ingredients in Delhi ?
I buy my ingredients from INA market/ food hall/ modern bazaar
Hi Shivesh,
I’ve been having some trouble with baking cookies in my new OTG. I use bottom heating for everything mainly and while my cakes come out fine, my cookies always get burnt. Same with Macarons. What am I doing wrong? I’ve even tried bottom heating with the tray in the topmost rack but no improvement. When do I use bottom heating and when should I use top heating?
Hello Shweta
It really depends from oven to oven. You will have to experiment to understand how your oven works.But for your cookies, you can bake them on a silicon mat. That will be a good investment to make
Hi Shivesh! I’ve been following your recipes ever since I came across your page. They turn out amazing! I want to try out your homemade cream cheese and Oreo cake recipe. But my mixer has gone for a toss. ☹️
Could you suggest a good mixer grinder ?
Hi Shivesh,
Please suggest me a good OTG. I have never used earlier. I need something that goes best with baking breads, cakes & grilling kababs.
Which model of the kitchen aid mixer u use ?
Which blender do u use shivesh
Hi Shivesh,
Thank you for all your recipes and videos. Could you please let me know the baking mould you use? Or can you please post the brands of the moulds or a link where I can buy them?