  • 1 jar honey
  • 2-4 slices bread
  • 4 tbsp butter, softened
  1. Empty a jar of honey in a stand mixer jar, whip it on medium-high speed for 10-15 mins. You can also use an electric beater to do the same.
  2. The honey will become light, fluffy, voluminous and pale in colour. Once you’re happy with the consistency, transfer the whipped honey into a fresh air tight container.
  3. Take a slice of bread and spread a generous amount of whipped honey on it. Sandwich another slice of bread over it.
  4. Spread some softened butter on both the sides of bread and cook it on a non-stick pan set over medium heat.
Recipe by Bake with Shivesh at https://bakewithshivesh.com/whipped-honey/